About Us

About Us

Pharco steel Process Equipment is a respectable name in the industry with the areas of interest lying in the field of engineering and manufacturing. We are the prominent manufacturer of pharmaceutical , cosmotics , petrochemical , foods , and dairy Industrial Process Equipment. We offer a wide range of products to our customers for meeting with all of their requirements. Our product range is inclusive of Industrial Mixers , Blenders, Dryers, Filters, Storage Tanks from 20 to 50000 liters, Reactors and many more. We are engaged in developing, installing and commissioning of chemical and pharmaceutical plants. Pharco steel Process Equipment is a firm backed by the professionals in this field who are dynamic & committed to the cause with the blend of technology and experience in the process industry.

Contact Us

Our team is always available to assist you.


pharcosteel@gmail.com solimanaboutaleb@gmail.com soliman1707@yahoo.co.uk


00201144415002 - 00201069569020


, 6th October City , Carnival compound 1113, Giza, Egypt

About Us

منتجات شركة فاركو ستيل شركة فاركوستيل متخصصة فى تصميم وتصنيع جميع أعمال الاستنلس ستيل لشركات الأدوية والاغذية والالبان ومستحضرات التجميل والاعلاف ومصانع البتروكيماويات وسايلوهات للبلاستيك . تنكات تحضير أو تخزين جميع الأحجام من 20 لتر وحتى 50 طن من خامات 304 أو 316 تلميع حتى درجة عالية من النعومة تصل إلى 0.4 ميكرون تصميم وتصنيع وحدات غسيل بالماء والبخار ثابتة ومتنقلة تروللى جميع الأحجام والأشكال خلاطات لتقليب الخامات جميع الأحجام والأشكال مد خطوط المواسير بالوصلات باستخدام اللحام اليدوى أو الاوتوماتيكي اوربيتال ترابيزات مناولة ودرابزين وسلالم تصنيع قلابات رأسية بالموتور سواء كهربى أو باستخدام الهواء المضغوط تصميم وتصنيع مجنسات حسب نوع المادة الخام تلميع التنكات والماكينات الاستنلس Pharco steel Process Equipment is a respectable name in the industry with the areas of interest lying in the field of engineering and manufacturing. We are the prominent manufacturer of pharmaceutical , cosmotics , petrochemical , foods , and dairy Industrial Process Equipment. We offer a wide range of products to our customers for meeting with all of their requirements. Our product range is inclusive of Industrial Mixers , Blenders, Dryers, Filters, Storage Tanks from 20 to 50000 liters, Reactors and many more. We are engaged in developing, installing and commissioning of chemical and pharmaceutical plants. Pharco steel Process Equipment is a firm backed by the professionals in this field who are dynamic & committed to the cause with the blend of technology and experience in the process industry.

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